Thursday, July 29, 2010

Truth in History: What a Concept.

I want to publicly thank Jose Madera,  longtime member of the  Tito Puente Orchestra, and  son of Machito's founding member Jose "Pin" Madera, for opening the door to future generations on a better understanding of the history of the great Afro-Cuban / Latin band Machito.  In one written statement recently,  he has shed more light & clarity on the origins of the band's sound then a large number of books & articles have done in the last 50 years.

For so long magazine editors, book publishers, record company liner notes & credits, and the like have focused first on producing a product to sell to the consumer.  The media is often so concerned on how to "spin" a story as to draw an audience... they fail to do right by society and seek out the TRUTH.

Sometimes it takes people like Mr. Madera to clarify misconceptions and poor research. We live in a World that now shares mass amounts of information at an ever increasing speed. With an Internet system that is incapable of distinguishing between fact & fiction.  It is up to us as the members this society to learn to read, research on our own, and seek the truth for information which floods our minds.

                                         Machito Orchestra - 1946

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